Tag Archives: Survivor

Help! I’m Stuck in a Food Rut & I Can’t Get Out!

My husband so kindly (note the sarcasm) pointed out to me the other day that I am stuck in a food rut.  As annoyed as I was with him at the time, I must admit, he was right.  I am stuck.  Eating the EXACT same thing night after night.  Desperately looking  forward to every weekend so I can go out to eat and eat something different.  This is no way for a “foodie” to live.  Hell, it is no way for anyone but a contestant on Survivor to live.  I need to make a change.  Break out of this self-imposed food prison once and for all.  So, how did I get here? And more importantly, how do I get out?

How I got here, really, is a common story to which, I am sure, many of you can relate.  Life is how I got here.  Complicated, busy, tiring life. After a long day at work, the last thing I am motivated to do is spend hours in the kitchen.  Yes, I have seen Rachael Ray’s Week in a Day.  So again, same song, different tune,  the last thing I want to do on the weekend is spend an entire day in the kitchen cooking for the week.  Besides, I am busy on the weekends… dining out, drinking wine, watching television and (gasp) relaxing.   So, I am left with trying to find something I can make quickly (even when dead tired), that is healthy and palatable.  Easier said than done.  Furthermore, when I do find this magical dish, I tend to stick with it.  I mean, if it’s not broken, why fix it, right?  But, that, right there is how I got into this horrible food rut.  A dish worked, so I stuck with it.  For months now I have been eating the same thing for dinner (Monday-Friday) every night!  Wow, when I see it written down, it is not only a little disturbing, but also makes me think that somebody out there might sign me up for the new episodes of the OCD Project.   I know you are wondering what exactly I am eating.  Well, it is something my husband has sarcastically named, “The Concoction.”  Here it is.  Three corn tortillas with onion, celery and mushrooms.  Sprayed with Pam & microwaved for about a minute.  Then topped with tomato, cheese and salsa.  Microwaved another minute, topped with light sour cream, avocado, shredded romaine lettuce and LOTS of black pepper.  Trust me, the sum is much more than the parts.  Even my husband has begrudgingly admitted that it IS good.  But five nights a week for over six months good?  No.  Like I said, I need help…

How do I get out?  That is the real challenge here.  Part of the issue is I am trying to eat healthfully.  That in and of itself poses many limitations.  Limits on salt, fat, sugar white starch, etc.  That is why if I find something that is easy to prepare, healthy and I actually like eating it, I stick.  Or should I say, I get stuck.  I rotate about every six months (yes, I said months, close your mouths) or so.  But really, I only have about three dishes in the rotation.  I just keep eating them mid-week and dream about the weekends when I can break free and go out.  I really wish there was a system similar to Life Alert, but for food ruts.   A button that I could push that would summon a Chef.  Of course he would be handsome AND cook only healthy delicious food.  But since there is no Food Rut Alert system, I am going to have to figure out another way to break free.  Yes, I know what you are thinking, “Isn’t she married to a Chef?”  Yes. But the last thing he wants to do on his days off is cook.  And the food he wants to bring me home from the restaurant, while to die for, is high in fat, calories, etc.

That leaves me right where I started.  In a food rut.  But after writing this, I am even more determined to break out and start adding some variety to my diet.  I will keep you all posted.  But lucky for me it is Friday, so tonight it is an Italian dinner out with a good bottle of Zinfandel and too much garlic bread.  Happy weekend all!