Tag Archives: camembert

Where is my Brie?!

Okay, the holidays are over and we are all trying to get back into our normal routines.  You know, five-day work weeks (the horror!), regular work outs and for me, the most dreaded, healthy eating.  Don’t get me wrong, I am a big proponent of healthy eating, but after a month of indulging, that lightly dressed kale salad is a bitter leaf to swallow.   For me, healthy eating is 90% habit and 10% will power.  You can’t miss what you don’t have! The holiday month of December totally screws that up and leaves me, well, wanting.  It is scary how quickly I become accustomed to drinking a bottle (or two) of Champagne mid-week, nibbling on Moose Munch (Harry & David concoction of dark chocolate, cashews and caramel corn), late night snacks of Brie slathered on chunks of crusty sourdough bread and on and on.  

So, here I am seven days into January and totally unsatisfied with EVERYTHING I am eating.  Before I go on, I must confess that during non-holiday months, I am a creature of habit.  I basically eat the same things every day with some minor variations.  Boring I know, but I find that it is easier for me to eat healthfully if I simply stick to a few basics.  Before you start thinking I NEVER eat unhealthy food, let me just say that I DO indulge every weekend.  I go out to eat with my husband and allow myself a few meals of the things that I KNOW I shouldn’t eat every day.  This keeps me on track and gives me something to look forward to while I’m eating my fifth salad of the week.  

But now, ALL of my go to meals are leaving bored and grumpy.  Yes, grumpy.   I don’t WANT to eat the whole wheat tortilla loaded with vegetables and a squeeze of lemon.  I want the cheese platter that I had just a week ago.   I want that fabulous kalamata olive bread.  I want that cheesy potato au gratin dish.  I want, I want, I want…  No wonder I am grumpy!  

So what is the answer?  I KNOW I can’t start “Holiday eating” 365 days a year.  That would be a road to all sorts of health problems.  I also know that if I don’t have a little “something” to help me transition I may just storm into the grocery store, pick up a wheel of Camembert and start gnawing on it while I fend off the security guards with my half-eaten sourdough baguette.  My solution has been to ease back into my healthful eating.  Sort of like the way one eases into a really hot bath.  Slowly and in steps.   Yes, I am back to eating salads most nights, but I am adding extra cheese and allowing myself some extra whole wheat bread.  I am adding a little of the holidays (cheese, great bread, an extra glass of wine) to every meal and it seems to be working.  I’m not as grumpy and I only think about raiding a supermarket’s cheese counter every few hours instead of every minute!

Say Cheese! Happy Birthday to Me!

So, I will be celebrating my birthday in a few days.   While I certainly don’t relish the thought of growing another year older (I REALLY think it’s time to throw away the magnifying mirror), I DO get giddy at the thought of all the celebratory food and drink I will consume.  Call me crazy, but I allow three days every year for “official” Birthday Eating.  One day is definitely not enough and an entire week, while tempting, is just too much.  So, with great happiness, I present to you, my upcoming Birthday feasting schedule.

I always have a day during my Birthday Eating where I consume nothing but cheese, bread, wine and champagne.  This year, for my sparkling wine/champagne selection, I am getting Yellow Label Veuve Clicquot.  If you haven’t tried it, please do!  It is a bit pricey, about $45 a bottle (it’s my BIRTHDAY!), but well worth it.  A crisp wine with hints of pear and a nice non-acidic finish.  I am having three cheeses.   Surprise! No Brie.  I am going with a Camembert instead.  All the runny, creaminess of a Brie, but with a bit more bite.  Have to have a Humboldt Fog Goat and finish this trio with a smoked Gouda.  I am getting to La Brea Bakery breads to eat with all this cheesy goodness.  A Kalamato Olive and a Whole Grain (my nod to health).  For the wine, I am undecided.  Please suggest!  Looking for a big, jammy Zinfandel.

After my day of cheese, I will have my Birthday Dinner out.  Here I am a little boring.  I always want Italian.  More specifically, pizza.  With the pizza I want garlic bread, a fabulous salad and yes, more red wine! For dessert I want a piece of carrot cake.  Real carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.  Doesn’t feel like my Birthday until I am greedily licking cream cheese frosting from a fork.

On day three of my Birthday Feasting I like to go out to breakfast.  Normally I am not a breakfast eater, but around my Birthday I look forward to a leisurely brunch.  I like a good bagel, perfect breakfast potatoes (not too greasy with onion & bell pepper please), and an omelet stuffed with too much cheese (surprise!), avocado and tomato.  And yes, I will sip a mimosa while I dine.  That same day, I will go out for late afternoon drinks.  Although I have Italian every year for dinner, I still need my Mexican fix.  I get it with fresh chips, hot salsa and over the top guacamole enjoyed outside with an ice cold Corona.  Sorry, no red wine.  Mexican food SCREAMS for beer.  That night, we have a Birthday dinner in… Normally I like to have any left over cheese and bread and supplement it with a few deli salads.  Of course, red wine to sip.

There you have it.  A road map to my upcoming Birthday feasts.  If you only eat one Birthday meal, maybe you should think about adopting my three day rule.  Think about it.  Once a year is a holiday that is truly all about you-your Birthday.  Why only have one day and one meal when you can have three?  I am off to buy cheese and champagne.   Thanks for sharing my Birthday with me…